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The Science Network Workshop Series
These sessions are part of a series offered to Science Network members to provide quarterly training opportunities to strengthen your communication and advocacy skills.
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Team-Based Organizing Initiative
This year-long leadership development opportunity will train leaders in key advocacy skills—and help create change.
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Protect the Vote in November 2022
Learn how you can defend our democracy against those who seek to undermine it.
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Science for Public Good Fund
Are you an early career scientist looking for ways to get involved with advocacy? The Science for Public Good Fund is for you.
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Diesel pollution maps
Exhaust from diesel trucks and buses is a leading source of harmful air pollution, and its impacts are distributed unevenly across the map.
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Communicating Science
Since its founding, the Union of Concerned Scientists has been a leader in science and technology communication. We’ve worked with thousands of researchers and academics to help them make their work more accessible to lay audiences.
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Back from the Brink toolkit
A toolkit for local activists detailing how to organize, use social media, and work with others to abolish nuclear weapons.
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What You Can Do about Disinformation
Know how to identify it, counter it, and stop it in its tracks.
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Electrify Trucks
Electric trucks are a game changer.
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1992 World Scientists' Warning to Humanity
This appeal, written in November 1992, was the World Scientists' Warning to Humanity and was written and spearheaded by the late Henry Kendall, former chair of UCS's board of directors.
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Equitable Energy Storage Legislation
Sample legislation to help state lawmakers ensure equitable energy storage deployment.
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Energy Storage Hub
This Energy Storage Hub is a collection of resources to help you learn how energy storage technology works, where it needs improvement, and what we can do right now to promote wider adoption of energy storage.