Workplace Giving

There are a number of ways to support the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) through your workplace. Find out from your employer if any of these programs are available to you.

Matching gifts

Did you know that hundreds of companies have employee matching gifts programs? Check with your Human Resources office about whether your contribution to UCS can be doubled or even tripled by your employer. It’s an easy way to make your dollars go further to support our programs. When you send us your donation, simply include your company’s matching gift form and we’ll do the rest.


UCS is a member of EarthShare, a federation of more than 40 leading environmental and conservation charities.

If your company has an EarthShare charity campaign, you can give to UCS by pledging a specified amount to be automatically deducted from each paycheck and then designating the gifts to UCS. This provides you with all the benefits of UCS membership and the satisfaction of knowing that your gift will work to create a healthier environment and a safer world.

Federal employees

Employees of the federal government and U.S. military can participate in the largest workplace giving campaign in the nation—the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). If you are a federal government or military employee, you can designate your gift to UCS by entering CFC code #10637 on your pledge card during the next fund drive.