All nuclear weapons resources

2022 Annual Report
How did UCS perform over the last year?

What’s Preventing Nuclear Annihilation?
Global security expert Jennifer Knox explains how international treaties reduce the risks of nuclear weapons.

Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Also called nonstrategic nuclear weapons, they're designed for battlefield use and have a shorter range than other nuclear weapons.
Activist Resource

Communicating Science
Since its founding, the Union of Concerned Scientists has been a leader in science and technology communication. We’ve worked with thousands of researchers and academics to help them make their work more accessible to lay audiences.

US and China’s Nuclear Policy
Dr. Gregory Kulacki discusses China’s nuclear weapons strategy and the Russian war in Ukraine.

Satellite Database
In-depth details on the 5,465 satellites currently orbiting Earth, including their country of origin, purpose, and other operational details.
Activist Resource

Back from the Brink toolkit
A toolkit for local activists detailing how to organize, use social media, and work with others to abolish nuclear weapons.

Nuclear frontline communities
Nuclear frontline communities are people and communities directly harmed by nuclear weapons and nuclear materials.

North Korea Missile Launches
Nuclear nonproliferation expert Dr. Jeffrey Lewis breaks down why North Korea appears to be ramping up its missile tests, and what this means for our geopolitics.

North Korea Basics
Nuclear warheads, long-range missiles, and a combative leader. What are the options?

Russian Threat of Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine
Dr. Tara Drozdenko explains why nuclear weapons should never be on the table in a global conflict.

Ending Sole Authority
In the United States, the sole authority to order the use of nuclear weapons belongs to the president.