As deputy director of the Food and Environment Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), Karen Perry Stillerman manages a dynamic, interdisciplinary team that uses cutting edge research, strategic policy advocacy, strong partnerships, and the ability to organize scientists and experts to transform the US food and farming system. An expert strategist and communicator, Ms. Stillerman works with UCS scientists to shape new analyses and communicate solutions for achieving a sustainable, resilient, and equitable food system that produces healthy food for all, protects frontline food workers, and contributes to thriving rural and urban communities.
Prior to joining UCS in 2006, Ms. Stillerman served as deputy director of the Environment and Health Program at Physicians for Social Responsibility, where for more than eight years she advocated for national and international policies to protect public health from pesticides and other toxic environmental pollutants. Coordinating and leading a large international network of non-governmental organizations, she advocated for a global ban on persistent pollutants such as DDT, PCBs, and dioxin. She later testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on the public health impacts of those chemicals and the need for the United States to implement the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Ms. Stillerman holds a master's degree in public affairs and environmental policy from Indiana University's School of Public and Environmental Affairs. She has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington Post, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Public Radio International's Marketplace, and New Scientist, among others.
Selected publications
MacKinney T, J Carter, R Cleetus, D Cooke, A Desikan, J Knox, T Oladipo, and KP Stillerman. 2022. One Year of Science Under Biden: Tracking the Administration's Progress and Shortfalls. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists.
DeLonge M and Stillerman KP. 2019. Champions of Breakfast: How Cereal Makers Can Help Save Our Soil, Support Farmers, and Take a Bite out of Climate Change. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists
Stillerman KP. 2018. Betrayal at the USDA: How the Trump Administration is Sidelining Science and Favoring Industry over Farmers and the Public. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists
Stillerman KP. 2010. The Climate-Friendly Gardener: A Guide to Combating Global Warming from the Ground Up. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists.
Stillerman KP, Mattison DR, Giudice LC, Woodruff TJ. 2008. Environmental exposures and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a review of the science. Reproductive Sciences 15(7):631-50.