Food Resources

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The US Capitol.

The Farm Bill

The farm bill is a large, multifaceted piece of legislation, renewed by Congress roughly every five years, that shapes federal food and agricultural policy.
Got Science? The Podcast - Leah Penniman

Updated: Farming While Black

For Juneteenth, we’ve updated one of our most listened-to episodes (2021), featuring Leah Penniman, founder of Soul Fire Farm and author of Farming While Black
Activist Resource
Scientist speaking at a public event

Communicating Science

Since its founding, the Union of Concerned Scientists has been a leader in science and technology communication. We’ve worked with thousands of researchers and academics to help them make their work more accessible to lay audiences.
close-up image of a chicken's head in the background, overprinted with the words "We're keeping an eye on Big Chicken"

The Truth about Tyson

For too long, Tyson Foods has gotten away with putting farmers out of business, exploiting workers, poisoning our water and land, and gouging consumers.