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2020 UCS Science Defenders
2020 UCS Science Defenders

2020 Annual Report
How did UCS perform in 2020?

Science Hub for Climate Litigation
We're connecting scientific experts, legal scholars, and practitioners working at the intersection of science and climate litigation.

Voting and COVID-19
COVID-19 has amplified the US electoral system's many problems. Will state governments do what's needed to ensure a free and fair 2020 election?

COVID-19 Climate Hazards
Climate hazards across the world will inevitably collide with the COVID-19 pandemic in ways that will disrupt emergency responses to both.

Maps of Flooding Risk and COVID-19
A before/after slider that compares two scenarios: 20% versus 40% reduction in contact.

Ride-Hailing is a Problem for the Climate
Ride-hailing services are increasing carbon pollution. What can be done?

Breathe In the Smog, Drink In the Lead
Clean air, clean water, good food, safe toys: that's the way it should be for kids. But thanks to some not-so-nice-men in Washington, DC, that's not the way it is.

2019 UCS Science Defenders
UCS is proud to announce the 2019 Science Defenders—five individuals and groups who have taken a stand for science.

2019 Annual Report
How did UCS perform in 2019?

Killer Heat Interactive Tool
How much heat can you endure? Our tool shows what to expect in every region of the country.

Summer Symposium
The International Summer Symposium on Science and World Affairs encourages the development of young security analysts, researchers, and policy makers.